Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bobcat update

As we prepare the Bobcat golf course for re-opening on Tuesday June 3, 2014, we have begun to wrap up our planned summer projects scheduled for this closure.  We have installed 5 new drain systems on #6 and #9 fairways that has included the following process:  strip old sod, amend existing hardpan soil by tilling 50 tons (total for all 5 drains) of coarse sand in with native soil, installation of 700 linear feet of 4" subsurface drainage, and re-sod on top of newly drained area.  In fact, during the installation of the final drain system on #6 fairway, we discovered and removed several boulders (below) that were just a couple inches below the surface.  No wonder the turf struggled growing on boulders!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Aerification Equipment

We have been telling golfers for some time now that the new equipment purchases this year are going to have a huge impact on course conditions next season.  Now we are able to explain just how we are going to accomplish this by using our new state of the art aerification equipment:

Each summer during our course closures we extensively aerify both courses from tee-to-green.  Aerification is intended to provide a multitude of benefits through mitigating the compaction our courses see each season: increased turf density due to the availability of oxygen to the roots, removal excess thatch that can contribute to disease, better water infiltration, and grain removal (in conjunction with vertical mowing).  The equipment we have been using for the past several years is extremely antiquated and outdated.  New technology will be able to revolutionize the quality of turf on our fairways by being more accurate and effective.  In the photo below you can see our 2014 equipment (right) beside the older roller-style aerifier that has been around since the 1940's.

The effectiveness of an aerifier is dependent on the width, depth, quality, and amount of holes punched.  As you can see from the photos below, all these factors are improved with the new equipment. 

Old machine; holes 9"+ apart
New machine; holes less than 3" apart
Notice more holes, tighter spacing, deeper holes, and better quality holes with the newer machine on the right